
FAJ Japan Singapore Friendship Evening @Money2020 Asia

Tue, 13 Mar 2018 16:30 - 18:30 JST

Marina Bay Sands Room 4004

10 Bayfront Avenue Singapore


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Free admission
Sake tasting (and snacks)


The Fintech Association of Japan (FAJ) will be hosting a Japan Singapore Friendship Evening at Money2020 in Singapore on Tuesday March 13 16:30-18:30. Please come join us for a Japanese craft sake tasting to meet the key players in the Japanese fintech scene and to witness the official MOU signing ceremony with the Singapore Fintech Association (SFA).

【Event Details】
Date : Tuesday March 13 16:30-18:30 (Singapore time)
Place :Marina Bay Sands Room 4004
10 Bayfront Avenue Singapore
Cost : Free of charge
16:45 Welcome Toast
17:00 FAJ-SFA MOU Signing Ceremony
Fintech Association of Japan
Supported by:
Singapore Fintech Association
Fintech Association of Japan
Note: Entrance into this event requires the attendee to have a Money2020 Asia event pass as the event is within the Money2020 venue. Thank you for your understanding.

Feel free to just drop by for a drink or hang out and taste a variety of Japanese craft sake while networking.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Fintech Meetup

Fintech Meetup

「Fintech Meetup」は、日本から金融分野におけるイノベーションを発信していく、そしてFintech業界のネットワーキングの場を作るという目的のもと、2014年10月から開催しています。 こちらのコミュニティは、金融+ITスタートアップ関係の方々を中心に、ベンチャーキャピタルや金融関係、大手企業の新規事業開発担当の方々などカジュアルに情報交換、ネットワーキングをしていただける場で...

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